What Is the Best Facelift in DC for Natural Results?

Facelift Washington DC

Have you reached the point in life where signs of aging have become a bit too visible?

Fine lines and wrinkles, sagging skin, and loss of volume are all signs it might be time for an SMAS facelift, the best facelift in DC. 

What Is an SMAS Facelift?

The SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system) facelift is a surgical procedure designed to correct sagging in layers of connective tissue and muscles that provide facial support.

The internal framework of your midface, jawline, and neck can all be reconstructed to significantly improve your overall appearance. 

What Happens During an SMAS Facelift?

Before surgery, you’ll have either general anesthesia or intravenous sedation with local anesthesia. Because it’s done on an outpatient basis, you need to arrange for someone to drive you home. 

During the procedure, your plastic surgeon makes incisions where needed. A three-layer section of skin is released, which causes your SMAS network to pull these layers taut. Excess tissue is removed, and the incision is then sutured closed. 

How Is the SMAS Facelift Better Than a Traditional Facelift?

The SMAS facelift has several advantages a traditional facelift does not. 

  • With an SMAS facelift, the internal structure of your skin is targeted which yields natural looking results.
  • You avoid a stretched / pulled appearance that is associated with a traditional facelift.
  • Results last longer than with a traditional facelift.
  • An SMAS facelift is a highly accurate procedure that requires less time for recovery. 

What Is Recovery Like After an SMAS Facelift?

Immediately following your SMAS facelift, you can expect bruising, swelling, redness, and discomfort. For most patients, these effects last about three to four weeks. 

If you have been given pain medication, it is important you take it on schedule and as prescribed. For ten days after surgery, you’ll need to wear a compression garment. Your sutures will be removed after one week. 

During recovery from an SMAS facelift, you need to refrain from strenuous activity and any hair treatments for approximately six weeks. It is necessary to sleep with your head elevated during this time. 

How Long Do Results Last?

Many facelift patients find they are able to enjoy their SMAS lift results for at least 10 years, and many have results that last much longer. Keep in mind, the normal aging process still occurs, so it might be necessary to have another facelift once your results begin to fade. 

How Much Is an SMAS Facelift?

There are variables that impact the cost of all plastic surgery procedures, and an SMAS facelift is no different. The average cost of an SMAS facelift ranges from $10,000 to $15,000, though your price may not fall within this range.

The skill and experience of your surgeon, your geographic location, and the extent of your surgery all influence your final cost, as do other factors. 

Am I A Good Candidate for an SMAS Facelift?

The ideal candidate for an SMAS facelift is a middle-aged individual who is in generally good health. You should have signs of aging such as wrinkles and sagging skin in the cheek and / or jaw area. 

If you are a smoker or have certain health conditions, an SMAS facelift may not be right for you. Speak to your surgeon about your other options for facial rejuvenation. 

How Do I Prepare for My Surgery?

Your surgeon will give you full pre-surgical and post-operative instructions during your consultation, though there are some things to keep in mind. 

During your SMAS facelift consultation, your surgeon will examine your facial structure. They’ll consider your face shape, fat distribution, bone structure, and the quality of your skin. This is done to determine eligibility and make sure you receive the exact treatment you need to achieve your aesthetic goals. 

Your surgeon will also ask you about your goals and your expectations for surgery. You’ll be given information regarding how the facelift procedure works, what you can expect, what you should not expect, and how your appearance will change. 

You’ll need a medical evaluation to make sure it is safe for you to proceed with a facelift. This might include tests such as bloodwork and urinalysis. You may need to stop taking, start taking, or otherwise adjust medications, though you should only do so under supervision of your prescribing medical provider. If you do use tobacco products, you’ll be asked to stop before surgery. 

What Questions Should I Ask During My Cosmetic Surgery Consultation?

It’s always a good idea to go to your consultation prepared. Write down your questions and concerns, and take your notes with you to this appointment. Here are some questions to get you started, though you can add or subtract anything you’d like:

  • Where will my surgery be performed?
  • What emergency protocols do you have in place?
  • What is expected of me in order to achieve the best results?
  • Will I need help at home during my recovery?
  • What are the risks and complications associated with an SMAS facelift?
  • What are my options if I am not happy with my results?
  • Can I see before / after photos of patients you have worked on?

Choose The Center for Cosmetic Surgery for the Best Facelift in DC! 

Our team including Dr. Stephen Hopping is excited to meet with you to discuss how you’ll love your SMAS results. We pride ourselves on giving our patients an exclusive VIP experience that far exceeds expectations, and we can’t wait to do the same for you. 

If you are ready to experience a beautiful, natural, more youthful appearance, then please give us a call at 202-785-3175 to schedule your consultation for the best facelift in DC.


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