THE Center for Cosmetic Surgery

Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment (PRP)

Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment (PRP)

PRP is derived from a patient’s own blood and is used to treat many degenerative conditions. In the plastic surgery arena, PRP’s powerful stem cells and growth factors can effectively rejuvenate thinning hair and aging faces.

Treatments are outpatient and take approximately 1 hour. Patients return to their regular activities immediately, usually without downtime. Dr. Hopping often combines PRP injections with other nutrient factors to boost efficiency and results. We offer the revolutionary TED no needle system, which provides pain-free treatment for thinning hair.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Recovery

Nearly all patients return to their usual activities following treatment. Bruising is possible, as with any injection, but it is rare.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Results

For facial rejuvenation, we recommend biannual treatments to maintain results. “PRP therapy to reverse hair loss and facial aging has been a game changer for many patients,” says Dr. Hopping. “I love the fact that each patient’s PRP has unique healing powers that target and often reverse these unwanted signs of aging.”

We recommend a series of 3 treatments for thinning hair conditions for optimal results. Hair regrowth occurs over 6-12 months after the initial treatment series. Positive responders receive an annual booster therapy.