Hair Restoration With Platelet-Rich Plasma

Here’s How Much You Can Expect to Pay for Hair Restoration With Platelet-Rich Plasma

Thanks to advancements in regenerative medicine, you can actually regrow your own hair with platelet-rich plasma, or PRP.

This makes unnatural looking results a thing of the past! So, how much does PRP hair cost in DC? Here’s the scoop!

How Much Does PRP Hair Cost in DC?

PRP for hair loss averages from $1,500 to $3,500 per session across the United States, but it varies and your price may fall outside this range. You can expect to pay on the higher end in the DC metro area due to the higher costs of living.

The only way to determine exactly how much you’ll pay is to schedule a consultation with a reputable provider, during which they’ll customize pricing for your specific needs. PRP is injected into your scalp to address hair loss, and the number of injections you need, as well as total sessions needed, is based on your unique aesthetic goals and other variables.

Why Choose PRP Hair Restoration?

There are many reasons to choose this revolutionary method for hair rejuvenation. It can:

  • Increase hair density
  • Strengthen hair
  • Sow down progressive hair loss
  • Improve scalp and follicular health

And, it does all of this in a natural and safe way, using your own PRP. Rich in growth factors that promote health at the cellular level, PRP minimizes risks and side effects. It can be combined with other hair rejuvenation treatments such as TED hair restoration to improve the overall results.

Plus, it can be done in under an hour with no downtime afterward. You can immediately resume normal activity.

Revitalize With PRP From The Center for Cosmetic Surgery for a Thicker, Fuller Head of Natural Hair

For your customized PRP hair cost in DC, call us today at 202-785-3175. Naturally regrow your hair without surgery at The Washington Hair Institute, a specialty part of The Center for Cosmetic Surgery, where we focus on hair restoration and transplantation!


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