Discover the Secrets to the Longest Lasting Facelift in DC

Longest Lasting Facelift in DC

Facelift surgery is going to make you look younger but what technique is going to give you the most natural results? What can you do to ensure you achieve a sensational outcome that lasts for years?

Here, you can discover the secrets to the longest lasting facelift in DC. 

Is There More Than One Type of Facelift?

Yes, there is. Known medically as rhytidectomy, this cosmetic surgery aims to eliminate visible signs of aging in the face and neck. Here are the common types of facelift procedures:

  • Traditional facelift: This is the most common type of facelift. It involves lifting and pulling the skin, as well as the underlying facial muscles known as the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS). Results last approximately 10 years. 
  • Deep Plane facelift: An advanced surgical technique that targets deep below the surface of your skin, the deep plane technique involves repositioning skin and underlying structures, offering superior results in addressing midface sagging. The deep plane facelift is the longest lasting facelift in DC, with a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. 
  • Facelift with fat transfer: A combination of a traditional facelift with the transfer of the patient’s own fat to restore volume in specific facial areas, this approach addresses sagging skin and loss of volume simultaneously. Once the fat is established, it can endure for years, but it does not stop the aging process. 
  • Mini facelift: Sometimes called a weekend facelift, this less-invasive cosmetic procedure targets specific facial areas, often the lower face and neck. It involves lifting and tightening the skin. There is a shorter recovery time compared to other surgical methods. Results can last up to 10 years.
  • Thread lift: A non-surgical cosmetic procedure involving dissolvable threads inserted under the skin to lift and tighten targeted areas, this is a good option for individuals seeking a quick, subtle lift without the expense or downtime of surgery. While it is a minimally invasive option for facial rejuvenation, the results are not as long lasting at just one to three years.

What Can I Do to Ensure I Get Fantastic Results From the Longest Lasting Facelift in DC?

It makes sense you want to protect your investment by doing all you can to be sure you enjoy your younger appearance for as long as possible. So, what do you do? It is all about how well you care for your skin and body. 

No matter the facelift method, there are basic steps you can take to get the most from surgery. First and foremost is following all pre-procedure and post-facelift instructions carefully. 

In addition, you want to use quality skincare products and practice a regular regime. Sunscreen should be part of your daily routine too. 

Healthy living is also important for your health and your skin. Eat well, exercise regularly, stay hydrated, manage stress, and get a good night’s sleep.

How Do I Find a Reputable Plastic Surgeon? 

Be especially vigilant when looking for the best deep plane facelift surgeon. This is a unique technique that not all surgeons are qualified to perform. Verify their board certification, specialized training, and experience. Look and before / after photos to gauge the quality of their work. 

You can ask your primary care provider for a referral and speak to others you trust. Word of mouth is usually very helpful! 

Take time to read reviews. This allows you to get a sense of a surgeon’s approach to cosmetic surgery, their bedside manner, and patient satisfaction. 

Look and before / after photos to gauge the quality of their work. 

Take advantage of the consultation to ensure you and the surgeon are compatible. You should feel comfortable speaking openly about your concerns and expectations. 

Should I Prepare for the Consultation?

Absolutely. To ensure your safety, you are going to be asked questions about your medical history including health conditions, medications, supplement, allergies, and previous surgical procedures.

You are also going to be asked about your aesthetic goals and expectations. This is necessary in order for your surgeon to create a treatment plan. 

If you have questions about the procedure, now is a great time to ask! 

What Questions Should I Ask?

This is a list to get your started, but feel free to add your own when you think of them: 

  • What type of facelift is right for me?
  • Does this require general or local anesthesia?
  • How much does it cost, and what does that include?
  • Are there other procedures or treatments I should consider along with a facelift?
  • Where will my surgery be performed?
  • What are the side effects and risks?
  • How are complications handled?
  • What happens if I do not like the outcome? 

What Procedures Are Typically Combined With a Faceflit?

Many patients choose to incorporate an eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or a nose job (rhinoplasty) with a facelift. However, you should speak openly about all areas of concern so your surgeon can recommend the best options for you. 

Experience the Ultimate Facial Rejuvenation at The Center for Cosmetic Surgery!

Our team, led by Dr. Steven Hopping, is happy to answer all your questions regarding a deep plane facelift and other techniques. 

Dr. Hopping is a world-renowned, award-winning surgeon who is certified by four different medical boards. He is also a clinical professor at Washington State University. As a former president of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, you can count on his extensive knowledge, talent, and experience for incredible facelift results. 

Call us at 202-785-3175 to book your consultation to discover how you can benefit from cosmetic surgery. We look forward to meeting you!


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