Facelift Pricing in DC: Treatment, Costs, and More!

Facelift Pricing in DC

Facelifts are incredibly popular anti-aging procedures that can be life changing. If you’re considering this top-tier method to turn back time, then you’re likely wondering about the cost.

Keep reading for a quick guide that explains facelift pricing in DC and how your price is determined!

First Things First, What Is a Facelift?

A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure performed to rejuvenate the face by addressing signs of aging like sagging skin and wrinkles. It involves removing the excess skin and tightening it to craft a more youthful, refreshed appearance.

There Are Different Types of Facelifts, Which Affects the Price

There are multiple techniques, and each one is designed to address specific concerns. No matter which you choose, you can dramatically improve your appearance and achieve your aesthetic goals.

The types of facelifts include:

  • Deep plane facelift: The deep plane technique is a more extensive, longer lasting option that targets deeper tissues. It addresses severe signs of aging and rejuvenates the face and neck.
  • Mini facelift: The mini method is a modified version of the traditional facelift, focusing on the lower face and jawline. It uses smaller and fewer incisions to treat mild to moderate signs of aging.
  • Traditional facelifts: A classic in the world of anti-aging treatments, a traditional facelift targets the lower face and neck area. It involves using incisions around the hairline and ears to lift and reposition sagging and / or wrinkled skin.

You also have a less invasive method, a non-surgical thread lift: This convenient procedure reduces sagging around the cheeks and jawline by using clear threads to lift and reposition these areas.

While it doesn’t have the same effects as a surgical procedure, it is an excellent option for those in their 40s that are starting to see more signs of aging. For some who don’t wish to undergo surgery or aren’t a good candidate, a thread lift is ideal.

How Much Does a Facelift Cost on Average?

According to recent data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the cost of a facelift is $9,281 on average. Facelift pricing in DC varies significantly, depending not only on the type of procedure you pursue but other factors such as expertise of your surgeon.

What Affects Facelift Pricing in DC?

The aforementioned cost is only one part of the total price. It’s important that you have a thorough consultation with your doctor to establish how much you can expect to pay as a whole for your personalized procedure.

Factors like your surgeon’s experience, complexity of your surgery, facility fees, anesthesia fees, post-operative care, and even your location impact the cost. Inquire about an itemized bill for a better understanding of all of these fees so you can better prepare for them.

Does Health Insurance Cover the Cost?

In the majority of cases, insurance does not cover the costs associated with a facelift. This is due to it being an elective cosmetic procedure instead of a medically necessary one.

If you’re worried about affording out-of-pocket expenses, ask your surgeon about financing with companies like CareCredit and Lending Tree. This allows you to make payments on your procedure overtime instead of stressing about a grand upfront cost.

Take the Next Step Towards Renewed Youth and Consult With Dr. Steven B. Hopping Today for an Individualized Quote!

The Center for Cosmetic Surgery is a renowned surgical facility headed by our quadruple-board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven B. Hopping. The proof is in our results – just take a look at our facelift before / after gallery and be amazed!

Call us today at 202-785-3175 to book a consultation and receive an estimate for your facelift, as well as learn about our financing options!


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