It’s a fact of life that we are all affected by aging. And unfortunately, it tends to show up first in our face, which is usually what people first notice.
You may be seeing wrinkles or furrowing around the eyebrow area before other areas. If so, a brow lift might be the solution. If so, what is it, and how much does a brow lift cost in DC? You’ve got questions, and we’ve got answers!
What Is a Brow Lift?
Gravity and aging can cause our forehead skin to droop. When this happens, the weight forces the brows to become heavy.
You may see deep expression lines or have a hooded or droopy look to your brows. A brow lift is a technique aimed at reversing these problems.
What Happens During a Brow Lift?
A brow lift involves making incisions hidden behind the hairline. Deep tissues and muscles are repositioned and excess skin is removed.
The process puts the forehead and brows back into their original position thereby giving you a more youthful appearance.
It’s an outpatient procedure done under local anesthesia with deep sedation or sedation anesthesia. It usually takes around two hours.
What Should I Expect During Recovery?
You’ll experience some bruising and swelling after a brow lift, and you’ll need to avoid strenuous activity for about three weeks.
During the healing process, you may experience itching and numbness but this will go away on its own. Your doctor will remove stitches after seven to 10 days.
So Give Me the Bottom Line. How Much Does a Brow Lift Cost in DC?
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of a brow lift is around $3,900. This does not include other variables such as fees for anesthesia, facility fees, surgeon’s fees, and post-op prescription medications.
Ready for a Brow Lift Rejuvenation? It’s Time to Call The Center for Cosmetic Surgery!
Our team is excited to meet with you to share more about a brow lift with you. To find out specific details about how much does a brow lift cost in DC, schedule your consultation.
Contact us by calling 202-785-3175 today! Ask about our financing options!