THE Center for Cosmetic Surgery

Mini Facelift

Mini Facelift

Announcing our new facelift procedure that’s quick, affordable, and fits your busy lifestyle.

Less incisions, less anesthesia, less recovery, PERFECT for Millennials!” – Dr. Hopping

If you have sagging skin in your face or excess fat tissue in your neck, you may be a candidate for a nonsurgical Mini Facelift­—sometimes called a mini facelift.

Who is a candidate for the Mini Facelift?

Mini Facelift is a great choice for younger men and women who have slight-to-moderate signs of aging. It’s also an option for people who do not want a traditional facelift.

Dr. Hopping’s mini facelift uses his published hidden “S”car technique and incorporates deep plane and SMAS lifting focusing mainly on the neck, jowls and lower face to achieve dramatic, yet natural, rejuvenation.

It’s also an option for patients looking for a more limited procedure and recovery.

The Benefits of a Mini Facelift

The Procedure

Mini Facelift is a combination of laser liposuction, SMAS muscle tightening, and skin removal. Using small incisions around the ears, Dr. Hopping restores definition to your chin, removes excess tissue, and skillfully tightens the jawline. He tailors the procedure to give you a youthful, more refreshed appearance that emphasizes your natural beauty and boosts your confidence.


Most patients are up and about in a day or two, but it’s important to take it easy for the first week after surgery.

Expected Results