What Happens During Hair Transplants in DC?

Hair Transplants in DC

Over 600,000 people undergo a transplant every year, and that number continues to rise. If you are ready to be a member of this elite group, you may be curious about what happens during hair transplants in DC.

Keep reading to discover your options, learn about recovery and results, and find out how much you can expect to pay.

Overview of Hair Transplants and How Each One Works

There are two main types of procedures – follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplant (FUT).

The FUE method is where individual hair follicles are extracted from a donor area, usually the back of the scalp, and transplanted to balding or thinning areas. It offers a minimally invasive approach with natural looking results and quicker recovery compared to traditional methods.

FUT surgery involves removing a strip of scalp from the donor area, typically the back of the head, and dissecting it into individual follicular units for transplantation. It’s known for its efficiency in harvesting a large number of grafts but may leave a linear scar.

Can You Explain the Recovery Process for Hair Transplants in DC?

During this time of healing, it is imperative you follow all instructions given to you by your surgeon to minimize complications and to optimize outcomes. Individual recovery times and experiences varies, but this is generally what you can expect:

  • Immediately following the procedure: Both transplants involve some discomfort, swelling, and potential numbness around the donor and recipient areas. The scalp is typically bandaged. Strenuous activities should be avoided.
  • First week: Pain and swelling are common but should gradually diminish. Pain medications and antibiotics may be prescribed. Gentle hair washing with provided shampoos usually starts after a day or two.
  • Weeks two to three: Sutures are typically removed around the 10 to 14 day mark for FUT, whereas FUE does not require sutures. You notice a continued reduction in swelling and discomfort. Some shedding of transplanted hairs may occur, which is normal.
  • Weeks four to six: Scalp healing progresses; any scabs or crusts should be resolved. You should be able to resume normal activities but should still avoid heavy exercise or activities that could impact the scalp.
  • Months two to three: New hair growth begins as transplanted follicles enter a new growth cycle. Attend follow-up appointments with your surgeon to gauge your progress.
  • Months six to 12: Noticeable hair growth becomes more apparent, and the density of transplanted hair improves. The full results of the transplant start to become visible.
  • Beyond 12 months: Hair continues to grow and mature over the next several months. Your surgeon may ask you to schedule  another follow-up visit to assess the final outcome and discuss any additional treatments or maintenance.

How Much Do They Cost?

The average cost of hair transplants in DC is $7,425, but it can go as high as $25,000 or more. Variables that influence how much you pay include the experience of your surgeon, complexity of the procedure, and your specific goals.

A Personalized Hair Restoration Solution Is Waiting for You at The Center for Cosmetic Surgery!

Certified by four separate boards, Dr. Steven B. Hopping founded The Washington Hair Institute inside The Center for Cosmetic Surgery because he understands his patients, and you need a go-to for the best hair transplant results in DC.

Dr. Hopping performs all procedures at our cutting-edge and accredited surgical center. It is here where you meet his highly qualified team in a safe, comfortable, and inviting atmosphere.

Ready to experience healthy hair growth? Call us at 202-785-3175 to book your consultation and discover which method is best for your needs. We look forward to meeting you!


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