What Is a Twilight Facelift, and How Much Does It Cost?

What Is a Twilight Facelift, and How Much Does It Cost?

If you’re been researching facial rejuvenation, you’ve likely come across the term “twilight facelift.”

So, what is a twilight facelift, and how much does it cost? Is it worth it? Here’s what you should know about the procedure, plus what you should know about pricing.

What Is a Twilight Facelift, and How Much Does It Cost?

A twilight facelift is a cosmetic procedure designed to address signs of facial aging, particularly in the lower face and neck. It is named for the type of anesthesia used. During the procedure, incisions are made around the ears or along the hairline, and the surgeon lifts and tightens the underlying facial tissues. 

This process helps reduce sagging skin, redefine the jawline, and diminish the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Twilight sedation allows patients to remain relaxed and pain-free during the surgery while avoiding the need for general anesthesia.

When it comes to cost, there is a wide range of prices because it is dependent on multiple factors and there’s not a suggested retail price like there is with consumer goods. Variables include surgeon’s fees, the geographic location of the surgical facility, and the extent of the procedure.

On average, the cost can range from approximately $3,500 to $8,000 or more. Patients should consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon for a personalized quote, which is based on their specific needs and goals. Financing may be available, and your consultation is a good time to ask about this.

Is It Worth the Cost?

This is honestly a very personal decision that only you can make, taking into account factors such as your current aesthetic, financial considerations, and potential results. Most people who undergo a twilight facelift are satisfied with their outcome and are happy they invested in their appearance.

Some things to think about to determine whether cosmetic surgery is worth it for you include:

  • Your aging concerns: You may not yet need a surgical procedure, and cosmetic injections like Botox or other anti-aging treatments could provide a better bang for your buck. However, you can save money in the long run by choosing a facelift now if your signs of aging won’t respond as well to less invasive options.
  • Longevity of results: Take into account how long you’ll enjoy a refreshed appearance. A facelift typically lasts up to 10 years. More advanced techniques such as deep plane lift can last up to 15 years. That’s a long time to not have to worry about the toll your aging appearance is taking on your self-esteem!
  • Effects on your overall wellbeing: Speaking of self-esteem, most patients report boosted confidence after a facelift. That’s virtually priceless! 

What Are Other Names for Twilight Sedation?

Twilight sedation is also known as:

  • Awake facelift
  • Conscious sedation
  • Twilight sleep
  • IV sedation
  • Procedural sedation
  • Minimal / moderate sedation

Is It Safe? What Are the Potential Risks?

Yes, it is considered relatively safe. Like any surgical procedure, a facelift carries potential risks and complications such as infection, scarring, nerve injury,  bleeding, asymmetry, and adverse reactions to anesthesia.

However, because the procedure is minimally invasive and avoids the use of general anesthesia, the risks are generally lower compared to more extensive surgeries.

What Is the Recovery Like?

The recovery period is typically shorter and more comfortable than if you were to undergo general anesthesia. Patients may experience mild swelling, bruising, and discomfort after the procedure, but these symptoms typically subside within a week or two.

Most individuals can return to their regular activities, including work, within a relatively short time frame. The surgeon will provide specific post-operative instructions, including the use of compression garments and restrictions on physical activity, to support a smooth and comfortable recovery.

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Twilight Facelift?

During your consultation with the surgeon, they will take into consideration the following to determine whether you’re eligible for this procedure.

  • The type of anesthesia you prefer: Certain patients may express a preference for either general anesthesia or local anesthesia for their procedure. You should have a comprehensive discussion of the various options available to you and collaborate in selecting the anesthesia type that best aligns with your unique needs and preferences.
  • Your current health: Patients with specific medical conditions might not be ideal candidates. It’s essential to be thorough when giving details about your medical history to your surgeon. Patients taking particular medications such as opioids could face an elevated risk of complications due to potential drug interactions.
  • Procedure compatibility: Twilight sedation may not be a suitable choice for all procedures and may be less suitable for patients undergoing specific types of surgeries.
  • Your aesthetic goals: Depending on the extent of your procedure, general anesthesia may be better suited for you, especially if you’re combining multiple procedures.

Ideal candidates are experiencing mild to moderate signs of facial aging, such as loose skin in the lower face and neck, jowls, and wrinkles. They should be in good overall health and non-smokers, as well as have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure.

Choose The Center for Cosmetic Surgery for All Your Facial Rejuvenation Needs

No matter the procedure you choose to revitalize your appearance, Dr. Steven B. Hopping here at The Center for Cosmetic Surgery can provide the results you desire.

Now that you have an answer to the question, “What is a twilight facelift, and how much does it cost,” it’s time to book your consultation for personalized pricing. Call us at 202-785-3175 today to book now, and boost your self-esteem with the right procedure for you!


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