What Types of Face Lifts Does a Face Lift Specialist in DMV Offer?
Whether surgical or non-surgical, a face lift is one of the most common procedures used to combat signs of aging.
If you’re not happy with the fine lines and wrinkles or sagging skin you see in the mirror, then maybe it’s time to see a face lift specialist in DMV who will guide you in the right direction.
Laser S-Facelift Gives a Natural Looking Appearance to Those Experiencing More Severe Facial Aging
The Laser S-Facelift a surgical procedure that involves injecting a special anesthetic solution in the forward area of the ears. The fluid works by gently lifting the skin from the underlying tissues.
You may experience minor bruising ,and it’s recommended by a face lift specialist in DMV you take three to four days to rest and recover. It’s suitable for anyone who is healthy, between the ages of 30 and 75 years old, and notices mild to moderate lower facial and / or neck laxity.
Results vary from person to person but ultimately depend on you. A face lift doesn’t stop the aging process, so heredity, how well you take care of yourself, and sun exposure play a part in how long you’ll enjoy the benefits of a Laser S-facelift.
S-Lift Lite Is Quick and Better for People With Light to Moderate Aging
Minimally invasive and fantastic for millennials, this mini-face lift is a great choice for younger men and women who have only slight to moderate signs of aging. It involves the use of laser liposuction, SMAS muscle tightening, and skin removal through small incisions around the ears.
No general anesthesia is needed, and there are minimal risks of scarring and side effects. You will need to take it easy for about a week after the procedure, but most people can easily get up and move around a day or two after. Expect to enjoy fewer wrinkles, a redefined jawline, and a refreshed look after the S-Lift Lite.
Thread Lifts Are an Outstanding Non-Surgical Option!
Often referred to as a lunchtime face lift, this can be done quickly and with no downtime needed to recover. Special threads are used to lift and pull the skin towards the ears. As the threads dissolve, your body’s own healing process stimulates the growth of collagen.
Results are seen almost immediately, but final results are a gradual and subtle process. If you’re searching for a non-surgical option with long-lasting results, thread lifts are the way to go.
Ready for a Rejuvenated, More Youthful Appearance? You Need the Best Face Lift Specialist in DMV!
Our team at the Center for Cosmetic Surgery, led by Dr. Steven B. Hopping, is ready to meet with you to discuss the exciting and innovative face lift options we offer.
There’s no reason to wait to start your journey to looking and feeling your best. Contact us at 202-785-3175 to book your consultation today!