What Are the Best Types of Lip Fillers in DC?

What Are the Best Types of Lip Fillers in DC?

Do you find that your lips are lackluster? When you look in the mirror, do you wish you had a juicier pout? Then it’s time to consider lip fillers in DC!

Here’s what you need to know, plus which type of filler is best for lip enhancement!

What Is Lip Filler, and What Is It Used For?

Lip filler is a type of injectable that offers non-invasive lip augmentation by “filling in” where volume is lacking. It can be used to achieve various effects, such as enhancing the size of your lips, smoothing lines and wrinkles around the mouth, and altering the shape of your lips.

What Are the Best Lip Fillers in DC?

  1. Fat transfer: A fat transfer, also called fat grafting, involves harvesting fat from a donor area like your thighs or abdomen. It’s then purified and injected into the lips, providing a natural looking and feeling lip enhancement without the risk of allergic reactions. This is the longest lasting option for lip fillers.
  1. Juvéderm: Juvéderm offers a hyaluronic acid-based line of injectables that offers versatility and longevity. Depending on the formula and product injected, it can last six to 18 months or longer with optimal treatment and proper aftercare. It is the most common injectable used for lip augmentation.
  1. Restylane: Restylane is another brand offering hyaluronic acid-based line of dermal fillers, providing different formulations to help you achieve your goals. It lasts around six months on average, however this depends on the product used.

Healthy, Juicy Lips Are Just a Phone Call to The Center for Cosmetic Surgery Away!

The Center for Cosmetic Surgery is proud to offer various lip fillers in DC, specializing in the latest and greatest treatments to take your lips to the next level and boost your confidence!

When you call us at 202-785-3175 to book a consultation, make sure to ask about our convenient financing options!


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