How Much Downtime Can I Expect From a Facelift in Washington, DC?

How Much Downtime Can I Expect From a Facelift in Washington, DC?

A facelift is an excellent way to reduce sagging skin so that you look younger. Many people have the same question, “How much downtime can I expect from a facelift in Washington, DC?”

Here is what you need to know about recovery after a facelift to help decide whether this is the right option for you!

How Much Downtime Can I Expect From a Facelift in Washington, DC Immediately After Treatment

After a facelift, you will likely experience bruising and swelling. The worst of this will likely occur three to four days after treatment. Many people do not feel up to going about their normal activities right afterward. This is a great time to rest and give yourself time to heal. 

One to Two Weeks After Treatment

At this point, you will likely feel comfortable resuming your normal activities, but don’t push it. Many people are able to drive and perform other light activities after a week, as well as perform more strenuous activities after two weeks.

Depending on your job and the amount of physical work it demands, you may want to take a few more weeks off. 

A Month and Beyond After Treatment

After a month, most of the healing should be done. However, some incision sites will still be a bit pink for several months.

You should allow several months before a big event to show off your results when scheduling your procedure. For optimum healing, there are a few steps you should follow, including taking it easy and staying hydrated.

But, It’s Important to Know That Everyone Is Different

Everyone’s healing experience will not be exactly the same. So, do not feel bad if your experience is different from others. However, if you experience any symptoms that seem like they do not fit with what your surgeon has prepared you for with post-op instructions, communicate those symptoms with them.

Pick the Right Surgeon For a Smooth Recovery

Now that you have the answer to your burning question, “How much downtime can I expect from a facelift in Washington, DC,” the next step is finding a fantastic surgeon.

If you want a highly skilled and experienced surgeon to perform your facelift, join us at The Center For Cosmetic Surgery.

Give us a call at 202-785-3175 to book your appointment, and become another one of our satisfied patients!


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